
Es werden Posts vom Juli, 2022 angezeigt.

Society U

Important information in advance: The following Blogpost is one I wrote in German before and I wanted to share this one in English on my Yale-Blog. Since I got very positive reviews on that in German I take the risk and try to transfer the same emotions in a different language. It has nothing to do with my time at Yale itself, but for me now it is an great opportunity to share general thoughts of mine in English language. _____________________________  I like to call our society the Society U. Society S like "Unfriendly-to-everyone-and-get-respect-for-it-and-everything-you-want". Ok, admittedly, that sounds extremely cynical and maybe it is a bit, but isn't it true somewhere? If I go to the restaurant and complain about some non-existent problem, I get a drink on the house or a discount. If I am a boss who instills fear in everyone and builds up unnecessary pressure, all work is done in a timely and clean manner. And if I just act like an arrogant person, everyone looks u

Letter to my Home

I am so grateful for this beautiful time in a place that is full of questions. Questions for which I look for the answer every day. But I'm even more grateful for missing a place you can always rely on. The confidence that I will find an answer there. Missing is so easy when you're unhappy, but much harder when you're happy. Coupled with bliss, you would probably not say you 'miss' it, but call it 'longing'. Longing for the place you can always rely on. Nevertheless, I would call it missing on days like today, because today the longing is particularly great. On days like today, the journey to this place seems a lot longer than it actually is. I'm so glad to know that this road isn't that long after all. Because I carry the place I can always rely on in my heart. In any time and at any place. Thank you Home for always being with me!

The climb

Sometimes in life you come to a point where you have to put yourself together and give everything you have. You have to take all you energy and put it into this one challenge you are currently facing. Even when this challenge seems impossible to complete at the beginning you have to take the risk and just try if you could make it. Trying and lose is still a win in comparison to not even trying. So sometimes the target of this challenges is not even completing the challenge itself, it is more the way you have to pass. On some point there are just to options left when you take bold steps: One option is to overcome the challenge and solve everything until the very end. And the second option is to gain experiences. Experiences about how to deal with changing plans, how to stay positive even when it's a hard time and how to not loosing trust in yourself. You will never fail when it comes to take challenges. You will be always a winner. It is not about getting to the peak of the mountain

the uniqueness of a circle

I think everyone is always a little nervous when coming to a new place. Nervous about which people will be there, if you find new friends there or if they even have the same way of thinking as you. Even when I know from the past that I don't have huge struggles with making friends, I still have these thoughts over and over again when it comes to these new situations. Now, after being over 2.5 weeks in this unknown place, I can say that many of the fears I had were unwarranted. I found my circle. Actually I have to say, that I feel so familiar with this new place, that sometimes everyone and everything feels to my like it belongs to my circle. It feels like a huge familiarity with still unknown people. This feeling is hard to describe, but I am sure that the key of this familiarity is to enjoy everybody's differences. We are all so different and maybe that makes the connection in this particular situation so deep. Different cultures, different experiences, different habits and s

Rare Beauty

So clear, but still so charming - So cold, but still so warm. The Sterling Library is the centerpiece of Yale. Its sagnificante look and architecture is known all over the world and one of the most beautiful and breathtaking buildings I personally have ever seen. The whole building is an piece of art. Not at least because of those phenomenal windows you can find on the ground floor. For me, these windows are one of the most fascinating things in this library, thats why I chose one of them to make an art interpretation in my personal way of sketching.

How I came to Yale...

 Well, here I am. An typical Austrian girl, who wants to explore the world.  Normally I study Business and Economics to get my Bachelors Degree in Vienna, but I wanted to experience the American-University-Student-Feeling for once in my life. After a lot of research and thinking what I could do during my summer holidays I had the great Idea do go to New Haven to visit Yale. So that was my long story short. I really have to say, that I didn't realize that I will really go to Yale for 5 weeks until I was there. I arrived at on the 2nd of July in New York and spent the first night in an Hotel in New Haven. The next day I went to Cross Campus and was very excited how my first impression of Yale might be. It was mind-blowing - I fell in love with the campus from the first second on. Not just because of the look, also because of the people. Everyone was so kind and helpful and I felt very welcomed from the first day on. So here was I - A typical Austrian girl, who is exploring Yale.